Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am sitting here right now in a lazy boy recliner with my feet up. No I am not on some sort of vacation, or watching a movie, or napping on a spring day. Today I am willingly being injected with some of the most powerful and poisonous drugs I have ever heard of. The side effects are long and nasty sounding, hair loss, diarrhea, constipation (not sure how you can have both at the same time!), mouth sores, bruising, easy bleeding, allergic reaction, collapse of white blood cell counts, risk of infection, etc. So far so good! The room is full. People of all ages. It is staggering the longer I walk this path how many people are battling this disease. I have been unfortunately very naive about the extent of cancer in our society. It is an equal opportunity disease. It knows no boundaries. The scans, heart test, pulmonary test, blood test, etc. have all shown that I am healthy......other than the little issue of cancer. I have the blood workup of an athlete. Unfortunately there are these tiny cells in my body trying to kill me from the inside out. It is a strange place to be, a bit surreal.


  1. We have also been talking to the Great Physician about you!

  2. Yes the great healer! He is not only a master of the body but my best friend as well!
