Saturday, August 22, 2009


There are times in our life that act as watersheds. Times that shape our life and often change its course for an unknown future. We all have watershed moments some are similar like graduations, falling in love, marriage, children and so on. Sometimes though we experience watersheds that are pivotal, times when life changes course so drastically that it is hardly recognizable. Right now I am standing in that exact place, a place unrecognizable do to a single call from my doctor. A diagnosis. Cancer. One moment life is moving in one direction, the next it is heading down a path totally unfamiliar. The path that stretches ahead of me is frightening and most assuredly difficult, but I stand here with a hopeful heart, I desire life. To live to the fullest and offer a testimony of God's grace to those around me. I stand in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Doug,
    Just wanted to say hi and that I am now following your blog since Nicole invited me to follow it. I have caught up on all the entries you've written since this first one. Thanks for allowing me to read about this difficult and vulnerable journey, and I will most certainly pray for you and your family. It was great to meet you in person as well. God be with you in the coming months of chemo.
