Sunday, September 6, 2009


I was writing a friend earlier about the illusion of life. The mask we all wear that hides the true man or women that is behind it. It permits us to walk along in life looking as if we are seemingly well adjusted, capable, secure, etc. I know intimately this mask. It has been an old friend. Its illusion is so powerful it can even hide the deepest struggles from those that are closest to us. Of all things, I am beginning to think that this mask paralyzes us the most of anything in our lives. It keeps us from being seen for who we really are. It keeps us from reaching out because we are afraid to drop the illusion, to be seen as we truly are, the scars, the weakness, the humanity within ourselves. This journey that I am on has provided some amazing opportunity in the short while I have walked this path. I am fortunate to have had this mask taken from me. I can not hide now, I do not want to hide. It is a disservice to myself and I am finding to others around me to hide behind the illusion. It is invigorating to reach out unencumbered. The words I love you flow easier, thank you drips off your lips with sincere gratitude, laughter is richer, sadness is even somehow more powerful. I am uncertain of the challenges that await me. Right now I feel physically very good, tired, but good. I hope and pray that as the treatments take their toll combating the good in my body with the bad, I will continue to be seen as I am. Unmasked. Unashamed. Human. Hopeful. Passionate. Enduring. That I believe is the cry of all of our hearts.

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